Sl. No. | OM | DATE | DATE | SUBJECT | |
2 | No 95350/Q/DDGCD/Policy | 45083 | 6-Jun-23 | JUNIOR COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND OTHER RANKS | |
3 | No 95350/Q/DDGCS | 45082 | 5-Jun-23 | Periodicity of AFD-1 items other than Four wheeler | |
4 | Purchase of Liquor from any CSD | 45078 | 1-Jun-23 | Purchase of Liquor from any CSD | purchase-of-liquor-from-any-CSD.jpg |
5 | 71501/Stepup/94/LC | 44985 | 28-Feb-23 | Replies in respect of JCO/Ors as Gazetted Officer | |
6 | Reply in Lok Sabha No. 3263 for ESM Welfare Schemes | 44778 | 5-Aug-22 | Number of ESM and Welfare Schemes | |
7 | B/49701-PR/AG/ECHS/2020 | 44053 | 10-Aug-20 | 64 KB White Card Holder (No other affidavit required) | |
8 | SAINIK REST HOUSES ADDRESS AND CONTACT INFORMATION | 43773 | 4-Nov-19 | Sainik Rest Houses Address and Contact Information | |
9 | Air HQ/99730/2/Org(Cer) | 43677 | 31-Jul-19 | Occasion for Wearing of Service Medals on Civil Cloth by ESM | |
10 | No.95350/Q/DDGCS/CAR/Policy | 43609 | 24-May-19 | Entitlement of Four Wheelers | |
11 | BROCHURE | 43564 | 9-Apr-19 | Information Brochure for PM's Scholarship Scheme for Wards of Ex-Servicemen | |
12 | File No B/49762/AG/ECHS/Medicine Policy) | 43563 | 8-Apr-19 | Procedure Re-imbursement of Medicines and Consumables to ECHS Beneficiaries | |
13 | File No.22A(37)/2018/WE/D(Res-I) | 43480 | 15-Jan-19 | Relaxation of rules for consideration of reimbursment in excess of the approved rates pertaining to medical claims under ECHS | |
14 | No 95350/Q/DDGCS/ AFD | 43431 | 27-Nov-18 | Procedure w.r.t. sale of AFD items through select URC inlieu of CSD Depots | |
15 | Circular No. 206 | 43406 | 2-Nov-18 | Transfer of pension account from one Pension Disbursing Authority | |
16 | Implementation of Recommendation of Expert Committee constituted by Hon'ble Raksha Mantri | 43403 | 30-Oct-18 | (PDA) to another PDA. | |
17 | IAF Pensioners Booklet | 43319 | 7-Aug-18 | Pensioners Booklet towards Consolidation of Assets and Guide for NoK | |
18 | Reply in Rajya Sabha | 43318 | 6-Aug-18 | Age Relaxation for Defence Personnel by UPSC. | |
19 | 061 /Policy/Gen Policy/KSB/A | 43315 | 3-Aug-18 | Issue of Identity Cards to Dependents of ESM | |
20 | No. A-27012/02/2017/Estt.(AL) | 43297 | 16-Jul-18 | 7th CPC-Implementation of Decisions Relating to the Grant of CEA and Hostel Subsidy | |
21 | Circular No. 601 | 43287 | 6-Jul-18 | Non receipt of e-PPOs--reg. | |
22 | B/03020/136/AWHO | 43279 | 28-Jun-18 | UP Govt Exemption of Stamp Duty for ESM on Property valued upto Rs 20 Lakh | |
23 | No. 95350/Q/DDGCS/Policy | 43252 | 1-Jun-18 | Access to URC and Purchase of Stores | |
24 | CPAO/IT&Tech/Clarification/13(VOI III) /2018-19/32 | 43248 | 28-May-18 | Date up to which Enhanced Family Pension Payable. | |
25 | F. No.110331/6/2017/KVS(HQ)/Acad | 43238 | 18-May-18 | Increasing the Class Strength to Accommodate the Eligible Wards of Defence Personnel | |
26 | Age Relaxation for Defence Personnel by UPSC | 43223 | 3-May-18 | Scale of Liquor | |
27 | No. 061/Policy/Gen Pol/Vol-I | 43214 | 24-Apr-18 | Issue of Identity Cards to Dependents of ESM | |
28 | No.95350/Q/DDGCS/Policy | 43201 | 11-Apr-18 | Policy/Guidelines for Processing of Canteen Smart Card | |
29 | Press release Press Information Bureau Min of Finance | 43195 | 5-Apr-18 | Clarification Regarding Applicability of Standard Deduction to Pension Received from the Former Employer | |
30 | 96102/Q/DDGCS | 43182 | 23-Mar-18 | Limits on Items for all Ranks w.r.t. Purchase of CSD Stores | |
31 | Latest Initiatives | 43101 | 1-Jan-18 | Directorate of Indian Army Veteran | |
32 | No. 13020/1/2017-Estt(C) | 43092 | 23-Dec-17 | Grant of special casual leave for blood donation | |
33 | Handbook Directorate of Indian Army Veterans | 43070 | 1-Dec-17 | Compilation of all Ex-Gratia Welfare Schemes for Widows and ESM | |
34 | F.No. 6(1)/2017/D(Res.II) DESW D(Res II) | 43069 | 30-Nov-17 | Inter-Se Priority for Reservation/Preference to the Wards of Armed Forces Personnel by State/UTs for Admission for Medical/Professional and Non-Professional Courses. | |
35 | No. 1(9)|2013-D(Pen/Policy) Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare | 43056 | 17-Nov-17 | Eligibility of widowed/divorced daughter for grant of Family Pension clarification. | |
36 | Air HQ/99798/9/SP/DAV | 43031 | 23-Oct-17 | Application and Option of Revision of Pre-2016 Air Veteran | |
37 | DGR Advisory on Wages | 43018 | 10-Oct-17 | Notice of Revision of Minimum Wages for One Day w.e.f. 10 Oct 2017 | |
38 | No. 060/ Policy /Gen Pol/Vol-I | 42930 | 14-Jul-17 | Issue of I-Card to Dependents of ESM | |
39 | Air HQ/23482totZl 1/PS (Wel) | 42822 | 28-Mar-17 | Financial Assistance Scheme of the Marshal of the Air Force & Mrs Arjan Singh Trust | |
40 | No. 55/6/2015-P&PW (C) Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare | 42879 | 24-May-17 | Streamlining Action-on Pension Grievances - Intimation to Petitioner of Final Action taken on his /her Grievance | |
41 | Air HQ/99803/30/DAV-III (Adm) | 42873 | 18-May-17 | Change of Name of Air Veterans Airmen, NC(E) and their Spouse and Children -Procedure | |
42 | Lok Sabha Starred Question No 223 | 42811 | 17-Mar-17 | Ex-Servicemen in Country State Wise | |
43 | No. 20(01)2014/D(Res-I) Dep of Ex-Servicemen Welfare | 42810 | 16-Mar-17 | MoM of Action Taken Report on the Issues Pertaining to the Welfare of ESM | |
44 | Ai r H Q/26076/M isc/lAF BA/Accts | 42801 | 7-Mar-17 | Schemes, Programmes for Welfare of Women and Child | |
45 | ECHS Things to Know | 42795 | 1-Mar-17 | IHQ MoD (Navy) ECHS News Letter – Mar 2018 | |
46 | AFAHO/24/Policy/Vet | 42733 | 29-Dec-16 | Wearing of Side Cap by Air Veterans in Civil Clothes | |
47 | Order No. 25/2016/888/94 | 42685 | 11-Nov-16 | Uttar Pradesh Exemption of Stamp Duty for Land Registration | |
48 | Para 2 of DDGCS letter No. 96410/Q/DDGCS | 42199 | 14-Jul-15 | Guidelines for Purchase of Four Wheelers from CSD | |
49 | Booklet for NoK of Air Veteran after his Demise | 42005 | 1-Jan-15 | Important Reference Document for NoK after Demise of Air Veteran | |
50 | Order | 42006 | 2-Jan-15 | Raksha Mantri’s Committee of Experts | |
51 | Booklet- Defence Pension Payment Instructions | 41604 | 26-Nov-13 | The Payment of Defence Pension by the Pension Disbursing Authorities | |
52 | Air HQ/99705/2/Org (Cer) | 41367 | 3-Apr-13 | Policy on Dignified Last Rites to Air Veterans | |
53 | F. No. 36034/1/2006-Estt. (Res.) | 41186 | 4-Oct-12 | Definition of Ex-Servicemen | |
54 | Booklet | 40827 | 11-Oct-11 | Pensioner’s Handbook For Airmen and NCs (E) | |
55 | F.No. 1/1/2008-1C | 40130 | 13-Nov-09 | Grant of Revised Pay Structure of Grade Pay of Rs 4600 in the Pay Band PB-2 to the Post that Existed in Pre-revised Scale of 6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006 and which were Granted the Normal Replacement Pay Structure of Grade Pay of Rs 4200 in the Pay Band PB-2. | |
56 | DGBA GAD No/2295/45.05.31/2007-08 | 39324 | 30-Aug-07 | Exemption of Income Tax on Disability Pension of Armed Forces Personnel | |
57 | Policy letters | 38353 | 1-Jan-05 | Compedium of Importatnt Ex-Servicemen Policy Letters | |
58 | No.12027/1/83-Pol. II Directorate of Estate Deputy Director of Estates (Policy) | 33611 | 8-Jan-92 | (1) Counting of past service in cases where the terminal benefits like pension/gratuity have already been availed by the person concerned and there is a break in service. (2) Counting of pension components for determining of eligibility. (3) Counting of the reservist pension drawn by an ex-servicemen for determination of entitlement of accommodation. | |
59 | Booklet | 31129 | 23-Mar-85 | Compendium of policy letter of DoPT | |
60 | Pensioner Guide Controller General of Defence Accounts | Pensioner Guide | |||
61 | FAQ ESM | Frequently asked Questions Ex-servicemen | |||
62 | Mobile App Instructions | 42741 | 06-Jan-17 | Mobile App for Defence Pensioners | |
63 | IAF pensioners Handbook 2019 | 43549 | 25-Mar-19 | IAF Pensioners Handbook 2019 |